Monday, May 17, 2010

The Merry Merry Month of May

The weekends in May are always full of end of the year celebrations at our schools and at our Motherhouse. This weekend I attended a fund raiser for inner city schools at Golden Gates Fields and a sister who entered the convent with me, Sister Elizabeth Lee of South Korea graduated from Holy Names University. It is such an inspiration to an arena of excited new Baccalaureates full of energetic hope and proud conviction that they will make a difference and change the world. My prayers this month are filled with exhortations that God will look kindly on those who are just starting out in new careers, trying to build life experiences in places they have only read and dreamed about. The more somber economic picture makes this exciting time so much more of a challenge. I am mindful too of the scors of people with years of experience who are trying to start over later in life. Surely, God's hand is at work in this making all things new. I feel passionate confidence in the Love and Truth that sets us free even when the way is most unclear to us. As the May flowers burst forth from their tender enclosures, may God bring to fruition the bright dreams of all who hope for a better world and brighter future.