Sunday, September 19, 2010


In our communities we have a role called Prioress, which means "first among equals." The Prioress is not exactly in charge because our Dominican life is not ordered that way. We are a democratic community. The community as a whole makes all the important decisions, but the Prioresses help that to happen.

The main responsibility of Prioress is to act as the spiritual leader and ensure that the community as a whole is spiritually unified and functioning in a positive way for the common good. This year I have been appointed to serve as Prioress for a community of 27 sisters together with my Assistant Prioress, our Health Care Coordinator, a Treasurer and two Community Councilors.

Being Prioress is a way of caring for and about people and using my gifts in building community. It is a challenge because a lot of little things come up all day long needing my consideration and advice. I'm working on adjusting my balance of community, prayer, ministry and study and am grateful to have great mentors and sisters who help me keep a sense of humor.
Despite the challenges, I think this new responsibility might just be my "cup of tea".