Sunday, March 11, 2012

Care of Creation 1 - Self-Communicating God

“The whole of creation can be seen as a single movement, the one grace-filled self-communicating act of the God who can only be described as incomprehensible holy mystery.  From the beginning God’s intention has been to work through the evolution of the cosmos in such a way that creation itself comes to consciousness.  Rooted in matter, creation has always evolved toward spirit, and in and through the human being—the universe coming into consciousness—spirit recognizes itself.”  –Judy Cannato, Field of Compassion pp 59-61
Considering that I live in a world of grace—that I am surrounded, shaped and constituted by grace, the evidence I see that allows me to become more aware of grace is the way in which my elder sisters and those who are burdened by so much suffering and pain are able to carry on with good cheer and graciousness.  I do believe in the paschal mystery that is not just focused on the suffering but the redemption.  Our God and Savior is at work in this throughout all creation, but it is most evident to me in the life of community at St. Joseph Priory.  I, too, find grace in my daily ministry in technology...knowing that it is not so much in having all the answers or the right skills as in having great faith and trust.  By using my intuitive sense that all shall be well I am able bring clarity and peace to situations that seem hopeless or confusing to others.  I credit the divine mystery with this and not my own ability...although I am grateful for the appreciation others show.  The Archangel Gabriel, Patron Saint of Communication, is a special help to me.  I recommend asking for his intercession for all communication difficulties...visible, audible or electronic.