Sunday, March 18, 2012

Constitutions for the Third Order

Mission San Jose Motherhouse
The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose followed the Constitutions of the Holy Cross Congregation in Brooklyn from the time they arrived in California in 1876.  These were the Constitutions of the Second Order Dominicans written by Humbert of the Romans, fifth Master General of the Order (1254-1263) and updated in 1847 for the Dominican Sisters in Ratisbon, Germany.  After the separation from Brooklyn the foundress of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, Mother Maria Pia Backes wrote to Racine, Speyer, San Rafael and Stone requesting copies of their constitutions for study.   In November of 1894 she typed the first draft comprised of two parts.  Part I was an English translation of the constitutions approved by the Holy See, August 14, 1874 for the Sisters at Speyer, Germany and Part II was from the constitutions approved by the Holy See for the Sisters at Stone in 1877.  Archbishop Riordan approved the constitutions for Sisters at Mission San Jose in 1895 and Mother Pia sent them to the Most Reverend Andrew Fruehwirth, Master General of the Dominican Order.  At the same time Mother Pia asked the advice of the Master General regarding convents in Europe she should visit to find examples of authentic Dominican life.  The Master General sent word back recommending Speyer and Stone as two of the best examples of Dominican observance in Europe and she resolved to visit them on her next trip to Europe.