Sunday, May 20, 2012

Care of Creation 8: An Array of Miracles

“God’s gracious love sustains the evolutionary movement toward ever-deepening life. Jesus burst forth on the evolutionary scene not because of sin but because of love. God’s love becomes explicit awareness in the person of Jesus. The cosmos has a goal. It is oriented toward a new future. Now God is present in history in the everyday world of life.”-- Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ P 58
I can live from that deep center of love today by tapping into the spiritual resources God has planted within me from the beginning and sharing out of that deep center with others.  I know that this the signs of God's love accompany me and bring hope to others, and the signs of God's love that accompany others gives hope to me.  It is a communal blessing we share whether we are in close proximity to one another or not.  It is a mystical reality that reaches across metaphysical, material, spiritual and emotional boundaries to bring about new life in an array of daily miracles.