Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Heavenly Messengers

In the Jewish and Christian Scripture there is the story of three strangers who visited Abraham.  He sat with them while his wife Sarah made bread from their finest wheat.  Abraham prepared meat, curds and milk for them to eat under the shade of a tree.  After the guests had eaten, they blessed Abraham and gave him the happy news that Sarah would soon bear a son.  Sarah laughed at the idea because she was well past childbearing age.  The guests insisted it was no joke.  When it came to pass, Abraham realized they were angels who visited.  Sara were blessed with a child as they foretold.  The hidden meaning of the story is that miracles happen for those who practice hospitality.

Virtually the same story appears in the Quran.  According to Islamic Scripture three heavenly messengers came to Abraham and bade him peace which he reciprocated.  He quickly placed a meal of roasted calf before them.  When they did not reach out to eat it, he became afraid and worried.  They reassured him and gave him the glad tidings that his wife would bear a son named Isaac, and after Isaac another son Jacob.  As in the story in the Book of Genesis, Sarah laughed in disbelief.  They reminded her that the grace of God can bring about the seemingly impossible.  Then the heavenly messengers blessed Sarah and Abraham and they all praised God.