Friday, January 26, 2018

Saints on the Colonnades

In the Vatican Archives I saw etchings of Mary Magdalen and all the Saints on the Colonnades, as well as prints of twelve women of the New Testament.  I have been asking the saints in my previous posts to intercede for us in the cause of ordaining women to the diaconate to administer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.   Mary of Nazareth, Mary of Magdala, Mary of Bethany, Mary of Emmaus and Mary of Rome, pray for us.  Phoebe, Lydia, Dorcas, Priscilla, Tryphena and Tryphosa, pray for us.  Marcella, Paula, Blesilla, Albina, Rufina, Eustochium and Melania, pray for us.  

Today I am praying for the 140 saints on the colonnades of Saint Peter's Basilica to intercede for this intention of ordaining women to the diaconate and extending to them the faculties to administer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. 

All you Saints on the Northeast arc: Gallicanus, Leonard, Petronilla, Vitalis, Thecla, Albert, Elizabeth of Portugal, Agatha, Ursula, Clare, Olympia, Lucia, Balbina, Apollonia, Remigius, Ignatius of Loyola, Benedict, Bernard, Francis of Assisi, Dominic and Macrina, pray for us.  All you Saints on the Northwest arc: Gallicanus Theodosia, Ephraim, Mary of Egypt, Mark the Evangelist, Febronia, Fabiola, Nilammon, Marcian, Eusignius, Marinus, Didymus, Apollonius, Candida, Fausta, Barbara, Benigno, Malchus, Mamas, Colomba, Pontian, Genesius, Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us. All you Saints on the Constantinian wing: Gallicanus Justin, Cecilia, Frances of Rome, George, Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Susanna, Martina, Nicholas of Bari, Nicholas of Tolentino, Francis Borgia, Francis de Sales, Theresa, Juliana, Julian, Celsus, Anastasiua, Vincent, Paul, John, Damian, Cosmas, Zosimus, Rufus, Protase, Gervase and Thomas Aquinas, pray for us. 

All you Saints on the Charlemagne wing: Gallicanus Dionysus, Pancras, Pelagia, Crescentius, Andrew Corsini, Constance, Felix, Achilleus, Nereus, Juliana, Paul, Basilissa, Hippolytus, Felician, Primus, Faustus, Timothy, Sebastian, Fabian, Prudentiana, Praxedes, Modestus, Vitus, Marcellinus, Mark and Bonaventure, pray for us.  All you Saints on the Southwest arc: Gallicanus Laurence, Stephen, Romanus, Eusebius, Spyridon, Ignatius of Antioch, Alexander, Leo the Great, Anastasius, John Chrysostom, Ubald, Gregory Nazianzus, Leo IV, Clement, Peter Celestine, Marcellus, Martin, Sylvester, Marcellinus, Galla, Catherine of Siena and Theodora, pray for us. All you Saints on the Southeast arc: Gallicanus Hyacinth, Francis Xavier, Cajetan Thiene, Philip Benizi, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, Anthony of Padua, Francis of Paola, Anthony the Abbot, Paul the Hermit, Peter Nolasco Joseph, Romuald, John of Matha, Louis Betrand, Bruno, Hilarion, Jerome, Theodore, Theobald and Norbert, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!