My quote of the day from Albert Einstein says, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." This new technology is teaching me to experiment and be more open with our communication. Yes, it can all go awry very quickly...but I see that it has the potential to build human harmony and accord very quickly as well. As long as I can keep a positive outlook and let myself make little mistakes and learn from them, then I can really enjoy the new openness and connectivity it offers. I want to share this new learning with you, and invite your comments and questions, but I'm a little afraid of what might happen. My guiding rules are to keep it phonies allowed! and upbeat... no rampant negativity! and interesting ... try to say something you wouldn't mind listening to yourself. I started out on a couple of other blogs that were going to be generic. But it was hard for me to summon up much interest in being generic, so I've decided to just be myself. The point of this blog is share with you a day in the life of a Dominican Sister. I started out with a post about my favorite day this year. I'll keep you posted on interesting things that happen to me as the year goes on. So you can learn what life is like for me, just one of over 25,600 women who are members of the worldwide Order of Preachers.