Check it out. The Church of Google aims to govern our lives in the way religion once did. The lame shall walk, the blind shall see and the dead shall be at least virtually alive.
Computer games are filling the void left by religion by providing a virtual way to control and master our environment. Technology helps us to survive, but it might also be used to destroy and oppress. This is the future we do not want to let happen.
There is a choice to be made, and it needs our conscious compassionate involvement. In a more hopeful view of the future we will live longer, healthier, more enjoyable, loving and fulfilled lives.
We may be able to upload our minds into files that will allow us to recapture our favorite knowledge, our memories and feelings and download them later. Human creative genius and technology will allow the possibility of creating cyborg hybrid beings, amazing upgrades of the biological beings we currently are.
Religion can take shape within this technology and work in concert with it. Without religion the advance of technology poses a great peril. An artificial intelligence that is devoid of love and creative divine will is divorced from the covenant of a divine love that will be with us until the end of time. A technological future without God would be an apocalypse. We want the planet to survive. We want all of earth’s creatures to thrive. How can we create this future together with technology? Creation will go on without us if we annihilate our own species, but is this the future we want for our progeny?
Reflections from Ilia Delio retreat based on her new book A Hunger for
Wholeness: Soul, Space, and Transcendence.