Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Life Seeking Life


Nature has a playful spontaneity.  It is a dynamic process not a static object.  In the thirty volume encyclopedia of life on earth, our earliest ancestor, our oldest cousin, is bacteria.  Int his encyclopedia, Volume 1 is the Big Bang.  The conscious awakening of God in nature is the Alpha moment, as Christians call it.  The Belgian Catholic priest Georges Lemaître proposed in 1927.  He built his theory to explain the observed redshifts of spiral nebulae, and calculated the Hubble law based on the work of Einstein.  

Many people do not know it was a Catholic priest who invented the Big Bang theory.  Since this is true, how could the evolution of the universe be out of sync with Christian theology?  It is not a new age idea separate from theological understanding of the universe.  Since God is love, and love is not dead, God is alive in the scientifically proven reality of the expanding universe. 

Humanity only appeared in the last volume of this encyclopedia, so clearly there is more going on in God’s awakening than the human species.   There is more to come.  "There are more things in heaven and earth ... than are dreamt of in your philosophy."   

Scientists observe that life seeks life and becomes increasing complex and more conscious of living as it evolves.  Evolution is the story of the process that brought all of nature to life and is still birthing new life.  Life emerges toward newness.  Our attention is misdirected when we think, "Who am I?"  The fundamental question is not what we are, but what we are becoming.   

Evolution of life is not a linear progression, but something far more complex.  When our consciousness, or level of awareness, changes, we become something new.  This is not just happening in our minds.   Matter is not separate from consciousness, it derives from it.  Life is evolving, and we know it for a fact.

Reflections from Ilia Delio retreat based on her new book  A Hunger for Wholeness: Soul, Space, and Transcendence.