Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Emergent Interiority

Illegitimate interests always cause suffering and death.  But tragedy and violence are powerful catalysts for resurrection and the future that resides in God.  It is Life, not Death that God desires and brings into form through loving hearts anticipating with patience, faith and trust. 

The emergence of interiority and advent of this one unique woman opens our hearts to welcome God, birthing the Christ that is emergent and incomplete in our own lives. We are united in the discovery of God in the torn places, the openings in our world.  This is the womb of possibilities.  Tomorrow is on the way. The promised land is near even though we are experiencing suffering, fears and limitations. 

How can we discover this promised land?  For us it is not possible except with God.  It happens within and beyond what we take to be the real.  Our powers are finite.  When we recognize that, a gracious sustaining force transforms our incapacity into new capacity.  

Retreat with Ivan Nicoletto, author of Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe: The Lectionary and the New Cosmology