Friday, January 31, 2020

Renewed Persecution

Templo Santo Domingo

Then the persecution started up again and the small group living in the house were forced to move out again.  They took refuge in a small house owned by Sister María's family, but this lacked furnishings, so they took up residence in a small house near Templo Santo Domingo.  In January 1934 the owner of the house offered to sell it to them for $700 and Sister María wrote the Mother Superior to request the needed sum as soon as possible.  She also asked two former Sisters, Rosa Méndez and Florentina Hernandez for help.  Before a reply came back from California these two came to their rescue sending not just $700 but $1000. At the end of1935 the government turned the property back over to the Alvarez family who gave them the Oratorians the keys again.  The Sisters were invited to return, but by now they had serious reservations. The Oratorians told them if they did not want the house, they would give it to the Franciscan Sisters instead.  Immediately, they set aside their qualms and commenced cleaning, sweeping and making the house inhabitable again.  On June 11, 1936, the Oratorians re-consecrated the chapel, celebrated Mass and restored the Blessed Sacrament to the tabernacle. The Sisters reopened the school renaming it Colegio Santo Domingo.  Sister María Dominica Ochoa was assigned to be Superior and Madre Bernardina Michel was elected Mother Superior in California of the Congregation.