Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Accessing Graces for Pentecost: Step Three

Thinking about unfinished business might be holding you back.  Can you really resolve a past situation with just your reasoning mind?  Try listening to your intuition instead.  Refuse to let the voice of reason to make excuses that prevent you from acting on your insights.  Fear of failure can exert an unreasonable control over our lives. Challenge your fear to see whether or not it really is warranted.  Physical and emotional stress results from protecting ourselves from humiliation.  If you are not taking any risks, it is highly likely you are not living up to your potential.

What does your intuition tell you about past humiliations?  Are you ready to move on and enter some uncharted new territory with courage?  What lies beyond the horizon?

from the book Defy Gravity by Caroline Myss