Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Seek Synergy


“To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen…to love with our whole hearts, even though there’s no guarantee…to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror…is to believe that we’re enough.”
  --Brené Brown

Everyone has the hard wiring for creativity and growth.  We simply need to reclaim it as important and provide the necessary training to harness its power. For a community to transform itself, it will need to harness the creativity and imagination of all its members.  It will need to raise its collective intelligence and not rely on an anointed few for insight and inspiration.

The community must unleash the diverse mixture of talents, passions, and viewpoints of individual members, and harness these into innovative and productive endeavors through creative abrasion, agility, and resolution. 

Creative abrasion is the capacity to share ideas through dialogue that amplifies differences rather than minimizes them because diversity and conflict are crucial for creativity.  Creative agility is the capacity to test and refine the diversity of ideas through quick pursuit, reflection, and adjustment, acting rather than planning the way into the future.  Creative resolution is the integration of any number of diverse, even opposing ideas into a new combination that produces a synergistic solution.

Dunn, Ted, Graced Crossroads: Pathways to Deep Change & Transformation, CSS Publications, 2020, pp. 385-390