Monday, February 5, 2024

Live from New York!

Through an atmospheric river and 42 mph winds I arrived safely on JetBlue in New York City for the 62nd Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD62) where we are discussing the importance of social justice, social policy reform, and digital transformation to the overall aim of eradicating poverty and hunger and achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)The conference will include six high-level panel discussions, a ministerial forum, general debates, and a Civil Society Forum. Additionally, there will be over 50 side events organized by the member nations, various UN agencies, and non-profit organizations accredited by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This week I am joining Dusty Farnan, the NGO rep for the Dominican Sisters Conference, at several of the side events, the plenary sessions of the UN commission on social development and the Civil Society Forum.