Thursday, February 8, 2024

Role of Youth in Digital Transformation

At the UN session on The Role of Youth in Digital Transformation: Towards Inclusive Growth and Social Justice, members of the permanent mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN and the Blue Tree Foundation gave examples of youth in Korea and other parts of the world using technology for the social good, solving problems like cyber-bullying and sextortion using AI generated apps to get users to pause and rethink before reacting agressively or violently to what they see and hear.  This effort decreased the escalation of online bullying 93% in places where the program was put in place. Through similar efforts over 23 million youth are taking advantage of initiatives to cultivate a more socially productive and safer space online. Fostering youth entrepreneurship and utilizing their quick learning abilities, creativity and courage are crucial to a positive digital transformation and productive, safe space for online learning and social programs.