Sunday, March 31, 2019

All are Welcome

Internationality is the key, but not every community will be able to cultivate intercultural and intergenerational communities.  The dioceses in California all have this potential because of the diversity of the population and the amount of recent and long-standing immigration.  We were encouraged to invite a neighboring convent to dinner and invite others to work with us.  

The world around us is toxic and witnesses to a lack of understanding across generations and cultures.  Religious life may be the place where there is no competition among people from different generations and cultures.  We may be the witness the world needs in this regard if we can live the message we preach that “All are welcome.”  Sr. Mary suggested we bring this idea up in our local communities, and not to be dissuaded by the curmudgeons in our midst.  She said every community has one of those, and we should be thankful if we have only one.   Don’t let a “Crisis of Imagination” stifle the Spirit.

March 31, 2019 a presentation by Sr. Mary Hughes, OP at Diocese of San Jose Chancery Office.